How to Help Others Succeed: 10 Secrets to Getting Early Success
There are hundreds of ways to achieve success but helping others is the fastest of them all. Even though this idea may sound too philosophical or theoretical but it’s the most effective way to make you realize how many things are actually achievable in life.
When you help someone achieve their goals, it also bolsters your confidence and makes you feel good inside. Many people need help to solve their problems. But they are either too shy to ask for it or are ignored when they reach out.
So, finding the opportunities to help others succeed and aiding them in life is what makes you more likable and destined for success. Now, without further ado, let’s explore what helping others means and how it rewards you.
What Does Helping Others Succeed Mean?
Whenever you put yourself in somebody else’s shoes, that’s the moment you start to think about helping others. Understanding the plight of others and lending them a helping hand requires you to be empathetic, understanding, and kind-hearted.
When you decide to help someone, you are actually empowering them to stand on their own. This not only helps them navigate through life better, but it also comes back to you as good karma. It may seem easy on paper, but in practice, it can be challenging to muster up the courage to sacrifice for others.
Here are five benefits that you get when you help others succeed in life:
5 benefits of Helping Others
1. Happiness
Helping others is not only good for the people at the receiving end, but it also is a good source of making us happier and healthier too. Being altruistic connects you and builds trust with others in a way that’s not possible with money. It’s rightly said that:
“Money cannot buy happiness.”
Only the rich could genuinely relate to this quote, and it really is true. You can have all the wealth in the world, but you can’t get the satisfaction of genuinely helping another person achieve his goals. Even research shows that being kind and helping others increases our happiness levels and also the ones who receive it.
2. Getting More in Return
What goes around comes around – and with helping other succeed it really does so. Being helpful to others is more of a give-and-take session. Whatever you do to someone, life will bring it back to you. Let it be knowledge, wealth, happiness, or even sadness. Everything finds its way back. Just like the saying,” life is a circle.”
So, the positivity you spread and the help you offer to other people will return to you in the same or a better way.
3. Helps you Live Longer
People who actively go out of their way and help volunteer others develop extended social relationships. When you help others succeed, you broaden your social circle and make new friends, and as a result, you find more fulfillment in life.
And according to research doing so makes you deal with stress better and enjoy a longer life than others. Apart from reducing your depression, knowing that your actions can make a difference in the life of another human being brings the real feeling of joy.
In 2019, It was estimated that around 4 percent of people globally were suffering from mental disorders, including depression and anxiety. So, helping others is a great way to enjoy longevity and vitality.
4. Strengthens Relationships
Helping others naturally cements the bond you share with them. When your efforts help others in times of need, they automatically reciprocate back to you. Humans are social animals that require interaction to feel connected.
When you serve others, you form strong bonds with people from all walks of life and are able to build lasting relationships.
You don’t need to spend money to achieve this feat. The act of kindness can be as simple as lending your friend a pen, assisting someone with changing a tire on his car, or supporting your colleagues in a particular subject.
5. Purpose of Life
Last but not least, helping people adds value to your life. If you are also suffering from the disease of a purposeless life, try helping people and see how it changes everything.
Helping someone in need will lead to meaningfulness the moment you do so. In fact, doing so can create a sense of the meaning of life you are seeking. In a survey from Statista, 85 Percent of people globally claimed that a meaningful life is a source of happiness for them.
Instead of overanalyzing what makes your life meaningful and repeating the cycle of burnout, find time to give back to others.
10 Simple Ways to Help Others Thrive
So now you know how you can benefit by helping others, let’s see how you can do so effortlessly:
1. Sharing Your Knowledge
Many people are insecure about sharing their knowledge. They are worried that sharing their knowledge without any material benefit will discredit them. Instead of openly helping others, they hold on to their knowledge and expect something in return.
But in reality, only sharing increases what you have; it will never decrease your resources. Let it be money, fame, respect, or knowledge.
So, begin by sharing your expertise with people just starting out. You can even start sharing your knowledge on social media, YouTube, or Google. Who knows how your knowledge may transform the life of another person.
2. Offering Support
One of the simplest and easiest ways of helping others succeed is by supporting them when needed. This means being there for them when they need it and guiding them to the best of your ability. Regardless of your financial condition, being present and giving them a shoulder to rest is on the best thing you can do to aid them.
3. Sharing Your Social Capital
Another way to set someone up for success is to allow them to share your social capital. By social capital, we mean the network of relationships you possess.
If you find someone struggling in a specific field and you know somebody that has already passed that hurdle, then you can arrange a meeting between the two. When you do so, you help them learn the things they were previously unaware of.
4. Start Mentoring
Sharing knowledge and becoming a mentor might seem like one and the same thing, but they are different.
Mentorship involves guiding someone and transforming him into their best self, which might not be possible without your help. While anyone can obtain knowledge from various sources, they will only learn real-life practical tricks if they associate with experienced persons.
Not only this provides support to the mentees, but it also provides you fulfillment and inner satisfaction.
5. Motivate people around you
It is always better to avoid being negative, even when you are forced to be so. The least amount of help you can offer to someone is a positive sentence. You might not know what people may be going through and what mess they might be in. Your negative words or analysis of the situation will do nothing but make it worse.
Instead, give a pat on the back to anyone who comes your way. Motivate them and help them think out of the box so they can step up and make a positive change in their lives.
So in this way, you help others without having to sacrifice most of your time. Your kindness and words of confidence ultimately make them choose the path of success.
6. Be Appreciative
Appreciating is the best way to help others boost their morale. It allows someone to feel that he or she has the determination and consistency to surpass any challenge in life, regardless of how tough it is. Helping others through appreciation is a way that shows immediate effect.
Appreciating others for their little effort will boost them to work harder. However, this doesn’t mean that you should stop constructive criticism. If you know a particular subject and can guide others about it, nothing is stopping you. Just be kind with your words.
7. Learning to Donate
It’s rightly said that:
“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.”
Donating won’t bankrupt you but will allow your extra resources to reach the people who actually need them. Look at any successful businessman, sportsman, or famous figure. They always have one thing in common: donating to people with whatever they can.
To help others, you don’t need millions of dollars in your bank account. Even if you don’t have something large or significant to donate in your view, you can always spare your old books, shoes, or clothes. Try donating them because they might not be essential for you, but they can help deserving people more than you think.
8. Help Others Become Organized
Some people have a bad habit of always staying unorganized. They have no goals, no schedules, and everything in their life seems to happen by chance. One might address this attribute as personal comfort, but such a lifestyle can lead people toward a gradual decline.
What you can do for them is to help them become more organized. Start from their workplace and keep till the other person becomes a completely organized personality.
9. Become a Volunteer
There are hundreds of chances to participate in organizations, community welfare projects, and fundraisers to help others.
You can also volunteer at something you think is more suited to your abilities. For example, if you have literary taste, then helping out in your local or college library can benefit others in discovering knowledge that helps them improve their life.
Similarly, if you are a healthcare professional, you can arrange free checkups in areas that need quality people like you. Doing so might seem difficult as everyone is busy, and these things seem quite menial.
However, when you actually apply this technique, you’ll notice a feeling of gratitude builds inside you. Helping others in such a way not only makes their life easy but also sets you up for success.
10. Providing Financial Aid
We often act reluctant to offer financial help even when the person requesting it is in dire need. If someone requests some monetary aid, you should try your level best to accommodate you in your budget. Don’t think that your menial help wouldn’t bear any fruit.
If you aren’t able to do so, you can try fundraising or connecting such people with organizations that can aid them in their plight. Who knows, the help you provide might get back to you in bigger and better opportunities.
Final Words on Helping Others Succeed
No doubt that It’s good to focus on your own personal development and goals. However, helping others succeed is what will give you true inner satisfaction. When you empower somebody to achieve their potential, you ultimately create a valuable and strong support system for yourself.
Help others, and success itself will come knocking at your doorstep. By following these 11 ways of helping others, you can put your part in making the world a better place to live in. Let me know if you are already trying one of these strategies in the comments. Also, if you have better suggestions, do tell me! I would be happy to hear from you d
It’s true that by helping others succeed, we are actually helping ourselves
to succeed. That’s because the more we help others, the more they would want to help you and others out too. Since it’s a win-win situation, competent people do it regularly. We all should do.
Giving without expecting in return is proactive. You’re confident that the good you can do for others will benefit others close to you and those good things you did will just come back to you.
But it shouldn’t be the reason for helping others. The best reason for supporting others is to find joy in making an impact in other people’s lives, and the rest will take care of itself.
Successful people, like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, are always looking for ways to help others.