Unrealistic Goals – 6 Reasons Why You Should Set Them
It may seem unrealistic to believe that you can achieve anything you want. The truth is, most people don’t achieve their goals. In fact, according to a study by the University of Scranton, only 8 percent of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions.
So why do the other 92 percent fail? One major reason is that their goals are too unrealistic, and they don’t give enough time to make a plan to achieve the goal. They set their sights too high and expect to see results overnight.
The problem with this approach is that it sets you up for disappointment and can ultimately lead to giving up altogether. A better way to achieve your goals is to start small and gradually work your way up. This will help you build momentum and increase your chances of success.
So, don’t be afraid to set unrealistic goals if you want to transform your life. But keep in mind to set up a plan first. Delineate a path and also set milestones instead of just the bigger goals. It’s the only way to guarantee that you’ll achieve your ultimate goal.

Why It’s Important To Set Unrealistic Goals
Setting goals that scare you is important because we grow the most when we’re outside our comfort zone. When we challenge ourselves, we push ourselves to new physical and mental levels. We learn more about what we’re capable of and develop new skills.
Once we realize that we can accomplish something that seemed impossible, it gives us the confidence to take on even more challenging goals. And the more unrealistic our goals seem, the more satisfying it is to achieve them. So don’t be afraid to shoot for the stars – you might just surprise yourself.
Following are some more benefits of setting unrealistic goals:
1. Unrealistic Goals Help Overcome The Fear of Failure
People who are afraid of failing don’t achieve their goals because failure makes them too scared, so they don’t even try to get out of their comfort zone. They’re so accustomed to relaxation that they don’t want to face failure.
But little do they know you aren’t getting anywhere unless you remove this fear and start doing things. Failure prepares the route to success since one can learn a lot from mistakes. Therefore, setting seemingly unrealistic goals benefits you since they teach you to accept failure.
No doubt, setting unrealistic goals seems challenging, and you would definitely fail once or twice, but that’s the only way to let go of your fear of failing. Unrealistic goals strengthen us and allow us to replan our strategies.
2. Unrealistic Goals Boost Self-Confidence
When you accomplish unrealistic goals, your self-confidence will soar. You’ll begin to think that no objective is too great for you, and you’ll feel invincible. You will have a great sense of self-confidence and won’t be afraid of complex tasks. This will make you more driven and determined to accomplish great things.
3. Unrealistic Goals Require Hard Work
Unrealistic goals demand a lot of work and devotion to achieve. These aims will force you to step outside of your comfort zone and develop your work ethic. You can take the example of Arnold Schwarzenegger. He also believed that having a work ethic is one of the keys to success. Read more about Arnold’s six rules for success here!
4. Unrealistic goals Open New Possibilities
No one can say that a certain goal cannot be accomplished because goals aren’t achieved through one key fit-all lock strategy. Thus there is no set reason why you should not set unrealistic goals.
Setting unrealistic goals will make you understand that you must devise innovative tactics to succeed. These aims will pressure you to develop well-thought-out plans, think innovative, and go beyond the box. They’ll require you to think creatively.
People who tell you that your aspirations are unrealistic base their claims on the past. They claim that since it has never been done before, it cannot be done. They forget that all those who have achieved great things in the past had to make the first move. If you aren’t going to put your ideas into practice, then someone else will.
5. Unattainable Goals Lead to Accidental Benefits:
When working towards one set goal that seems unrealistic, you would have to pass through many difficult stages to get to it. And while you gather strength to get through these difficult stages, you will get a lot of other accidental benefits such as achieving more recognition at work, finding a new job opportunity, or you might achieve your unrealistic goal too!
So although people would tell you to give up on lofty ambitions, never listen to them because some effort on your part would lead you to destinations that would not have been otherwise achievable.
6. Unrealistic Goals make You Better Able to Handle Stress:
Once you challenge yourself and step out of your comfort zone, you are putting yourself in stress. This stress is not uncalled for.
Although you know you would be pushed to the limit, you make adjustments in yourself to steer your boat through the storm. This makes you better able to cope with stress that is unprecedented. You would be better able to control your nerves and survive through odd times.

How To Go About Setting Unrealistic Goals
The first step to setting a scary unrealistic goal is to come up with something that feels impossible. It should be something that makes you feel a little bit uncomfortable, like running a marathon when you’ve never even run a 5K before. But it’s important not to get too caught up in the details. The point is to dream big, so don’t let your self-doubt get in the way quite yet.
Once you’ve come up with your scary unrealistic goal, the next step is to break it down into smaller, more manageable pieces. This will help you see the path from where you are now to where you want to be. And as you check off each small goal, you’ll start to build momentum and confidence that will carry you through to the end.
Of course, there will be times along the way when you doubt yourself and wonder if you can really do it. That’s normal. Just remind yourself of why you’re doing this in the first place and keep moving forward, one step at a time. Before you know it, you’ll reach your goal and realize that it wasn’t nearly as impossible as it initially seemed.
The Importance Of Taking Small Steps Towards Your Unrealistic Goal
Reaching for the stars is a great way to motivate yourself until you realize that you’re nowhere close to actually touching them. That’s when it’s time to take a step back and reassess your unrealistic goal. But don’t despair! Just because your goal is out of reach doesn’t mean it’s completely unattainable. You can still get closer to your goal by taking small steps toward it.
Sure, it may seem like a slow and tedious process, but trust me, it’s worth it. Breaking down your goal into smaller pieces makes the goals much more achievable than if you had just gone for the big win all at once. And even if you don’t achieve your original goal, you’ll still be farther ahead than if you had done nothing at all. So don’t be discouraged – keep reaching for those stars, one small step at a time.
How To Stay Motivated When The Going Gets Tough
Let’s face it; we’ve all been there. We’re motoring along, making great progress on our latest project, when suddenly we hit a wall. The task seems insurmountable, the goal unrealistic. It would be so easy just to give up and walk away. But if you want to succeed in life, it’s important to learn how to keep going even when the going gets tough.
There’s no point in setting unrealistic larger-than-life goals if you’re not ready to face the hardships and challenges that will come along the way. When you embark on the journey to attaining greatness, remember that with great goals come great difficulties. So you should be strong to face every obstacle. So how can you stay motivated when the road ahead looks bleak?
Here are a few suggestions:
-First, take a step back and reevaluate your goal. Is it really as unrealistic as it seems? Sometimes our initial estimates are off and what seemed like an impossible task is actually within our grasp. Other times, we may need to adjust our goals slightly to better reflect our current situation.
-Second, remind yourself why you’re doing this in the first place. What is your motivation for taking on this challenge? What will you gain if you succeed? Focusing on the positive outcome will help you push through the tough times.
-Third, break the task down into smaller, more manageable pieces. When we’re facing a daunting undertaking, it can help to divide it into smaller steps that we can complete.

What To Do If You Feel Like You’re Not Making Progress
Don’t worry; you’re not the only one. We’ve all been there before. You feel like you’re stuck in a rut, not making any progress no matter how much effort you put in. The first step is to take a step back and assess your situation. Are you putting in too much or too little effort?
Once you identify the problem, finding a solution will be much easier. If you’re putting in too little effort, try increasing the amount or frequency of your work. And if you’re putting in too much effort, find ways to take breaks and relax so that you can come back renewed and ready to tackle the problem again.
Whatever the case may be, remember that everyone gets stuck sometimes. It is essential to identify the problem and take steps to fix it.
How To Deal With Setbacks And Failures
Life is full of setbacks and failures. The loss of a job, failure to achieve goals, the end of a relationship, the death of a loved one- all such things can take a toll on our mental and emotional well-being. But it’s important to remember that setbacks are a normal part of life and don’t have to define us. Here are some tips for dealing with setbacks and failures:
Allow yourself time to grieve. Feeling sad, angry, or scared is normal after experiencing a setback. Don’t try to bottle up your emotions. Allow yourself time to process what has happened.
Reach out for support. Talk to your friends and family, or seek professional help if you struggle to cope.
Learn from your mistakes. Take some time to reflect on what went wrong and what you could do differently in the future.
Create a plan. Once you’ve processed your emotions and learned from your mistakes, it’s time to start planning for the future. Set realistic goals and put together a step-by-step plan for achieving them.
Dealing with setbacks and failures can be difficult, but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Lean on your support system
Final Words
Setting unrealistic goals is one of the best ways to challenge yourself and push your limits. When you set a goal that is just out of reach, you are forced to find new ways to achieve it. And when you finally do succeed, the feeling of accomplishment is unbeatable. So forget about setting easy goals and aim high instead – you may be surprised at what you can achieve. What are some unrealistic goals you can set for yourself today?
Very informative and morale boosting post, Thanks
Appreciate it!